Energy, Healing, and Transformation

“There is a force in the universe which, if we permit it, will flow through us and produce miraculous results.”

…Mahatma Gandhi 

Years ago, I dreamt that I could make things move with energy flowing through my hands. I had a number of these dreams and the memory of them only recently surfaced, triggered by some unconscious glimmer of thought. I would raise my hands in front of me and objects would magically move by my own volition. I distinctly remember a chair floating in the air above technicolor green grass in the side yard of the house I grew up in, my arms outstretched and my hands held before me, the walnut tree reaching high above. Obviously, I was being shown something. We get messages all the time through dreams and coincidences.

I have always been sensitive to energy and conscious of the energy I carry with me and that surrounds us. I can enter a room or meet someone and pick up a vibe — good or bad; or someone I meet may tell me I have good energy. We all radiate and receive energy on a constant basis whether we are aware of it or not. The energy that constantly flows through and around us can have tremendous impact and can be influential both emotionally and physically. It can be quite powerful and when I became conscious of that energy, I’ve learned that it can be channeled. 

Not long ago, I began working with a Transformational Coach. I came to him because I had been going through a period of intense change and challenging emotional upheaval. I was feeling beat up and I needed to find my power and sense-of-self again. I had been seeing clinical therapists, but was feeling I had reached a point where that mode of treatment had run its course and was no longer effective for me at that period in time. I was needing a different approach to explore and gain an understanding of the kind of life changes and growth that were occurring within me. My coach used Reiki based bodywork as part of his coaching method in helping his clients grow, evolve, and lead a more authentic life. Through these sessions, I was able to release old energy and patterns that were holding me back and preventing me from living authentically. I was able to more clearly understand and connect with a spiritual part of myself that I had been exploring for much of my life.  

While working with my coach, I discovered that I was consciously able to share energy. At one point, he gave me a suggestion: The next time I was close and intimate with someone, conjure up a feeling of love and give it to them. Twice, I conducted this experiment and each time it was remarked that there was something different about the experience. The recipients felt our closeness was in some way special or the person was able to relax in a way they are not normally able to. These experiences made me more aware of how powerful and influential sharing our energy can be.

During this time, I begin sharing personal experiences through social media. In some cases, this sharing lead to conversations around growth and healing. I came to understand that we are all connected through our shared experiences and I found that I was able to help people to know that they were not alone in what they were feeling and to help them shift their thinking toward living a more conscious life.

By offering Reiki, I can act as a conduit to give that life force energy as a tool towards physical and/or emotional healing… and at it’s very least, a way to de-stress and relax from daily life. And Transformational Coaching is about using life experience to help others look at themselves in a new way, live consciously, and achieve their goals. I find that sharing energy is just as powerful as sharing our experiences. Both can promote healing and I’m excited to be working toward offering a way to help people grow and evolve.  

Our personal exploration and growth is in constant motion. I believe the more we evolve the more our life experience expands towards living a fulfilling, authentic life. I discover more and more on a daily basis. Reiki and Coaching has been, and continues to be, a part of my journey. I feel that this work has changed my life. 

Thank you!
Scott Holman

I have Reiki Master/Teacher certification in the Usui Shiki Ryoho method.
I have Transformational Life Coaching certification from The Academy of Applied Psychology.
Please contact me to learn more.

Dr. Mikao Usui
Dr. Chujiro Hayashi
Madame Hawayo Takata
Virginia Samdahl
Joyce Morris
Arleta Soares
Christopher Eagle

I’m honored to be included in a distinguished lineage of master/teachers stemming from Reiki’s founder Dr. Mikao Usui to his first student, Dr. Chujiro Hayashi, who established his own clinic and refined the healing method. Then to the first westerner to achieve master/teacher status, Madame Hawayo Takata, a Japanese-American woman living in Hawaii, who established her own healing clinic. She then taught the first European-American, Virginia Samdhal of Illinois and the lineage continues from there to my teacher, Christopher Eagle. In order to preserve the teachings and ancient healing methods of Dr. Usui, special care was taken to ensure the training and mastery of Reiki was done in a very detailed, specific way so it would continue to be performed with the technical expertise just as Dr. Usui had developed and performed Reiki as the lineage continues to grow.